One of the difficulties in the healing ministry comes when people go for prayer a couple of times, are NOT healed, and then they give up.  Sometimes people quit just right before their healing manifests in their body or soul.  This is why it is so important to go all out for healing when sickness attacks one’s body or soul.  St. Paul said it this way, “For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil.  And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.”  (Romans 16:19-20a)

In organ music there is a phrase used called “pulling out the stops”.  Stops are devices used to regulate and enhance the sound of the organ by stopping up the hole where the
Wind comes through.  When all of the stops are pulled out, a mighty release of majestic sonic glory comes forth shaking the ground with amazing effect.  It is time to pull out the stops for healing, especially so when one is under attack from the enemy.

Once, I was very sick with liver disease.  A virus attacked me and was about to take me out of the ministry.  I decided to go to Albany, Oregon where Kathryn Kuhlman birthed her ministry.  There was a Vineyard Church that exploded in healing glory so much so that they had to move their meetings to the Fair Grounds.  Two very powerful evangelists were there ministering in healing lines all day long.  For four days I was first or second in line for healing and NOTHING happened.  My terrible symptoms would not go away.  I could have gotten discouraged and given up, but on the fifth day before my flight would take me back to Texas, a mild mannered layman was asked to lay his hands on me. To my amazement (he knew nothing of my condition) he put his right hand on my liver and his left hand on my back.   Fire began to flow between his hands and he began to whisper in my ear everything I had gone through spiritually in the past year.  I was instantly healed!  Imagine if I would have left on the fourth day; I might still be sick.

Here are some ways to “pull out the stops” obedience so healing comes your way:

  1. Attack sickness!  Do this is by addressing apathy and passivity yourself and in the community around you operating in ignorance in the Word regarding healing, or outright false teaching concerning God’s will to heal.  For example, many have actually believed, as taught, that there are times that God wants us sick; that it somehow pleases him to do this to us to teach us a lesson.  Attack back is the way forward, not passively accepting something clearly NOT of God.  Jesus never put a disease on a person; he was always taking it off of people.  Assault the sickness with the Word of God, with all the resources available to one who is suffering.  Truth (the Word of God) and mercy have kissed – they are permanently married.  Do not treat them as separable.
  2. Get soul alignment.  Learn to live from your spirit.  Put your spirit on top to get victory over sickness and disease.  Too many of us live from and are directed by the soul realm.  Sadly, we are ruled by emotions, fears and doubts.  Be Spirit ruled, and take possession of your soul. Make it obey you. C.S. Lewis said it this way, “The Mind makes a terrible master, but it makes a wonderful servant.”  Do not let thoughts and emotions rule you during your wilderness journey to wholeness.  The body will only obey the mind that is renewed by the “washing of the water of the Word.” Renew your mind and healing follows.  There is a very simple and powerful word in the Bible, “As one thinks, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) Teach your soul (mind, intellect and emotions) to prosper.
  3. Live in the presence of God- All The Time.  Fill your home, your car, your golf cart, shopping cart, your soul with praise and worship.  Get the power of the Holy Spirit to work inside of you.  Let heaven open up over you. God says, “You shall find me when you have searched for me with your whole heart.”
  4. Resist evil!  A friend of mine got violent with me after I expressed how fearful I was of an attack I was experiencing.  He ushered me into a private room and began to shove me around the room saying, “How long are you going to let the devil push you around, how long you going to let the devil push you around.”    Stand up resist him, the scripture says, “…he will flee.”  Do violence to evil!
  5. Persevere, do not quit or give up.  Go often to healing meetings where the anointing is being poured out.  Study the word on healing, and live in the Word environment.  Join the Order of St. Luke and go all out.  The OSL is awesome support.  We know of a woman who was not healed until her one year anniversary of coming to healing prayer.  ONE YEAR!  How many of us have that kind of staying power?  We prayed for five years for a schizophrenic person, and she was finally healed.  How great is that?  All it took was time.
  6. Take communion often, daily if possible.  “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me.”  John 6:53 We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.  Communion heals spirit, soul and body.
  7. Start eating right.  Many of us are killing ourselves with food.  Go alkaline.  Our diet is almost all acid.  An acidic ph balance is a perfect environment in your body to breed disease.  Cancer feeds on acid. Get your ph balance in line.  Learn to fast.  It cleanses the body.  The body is designed to heal itself, if you will let it.  You can do it, Daniel did with just a partial fast of eating veggies and fruit, and he and all his men ended up stronger than all the kings’ men who spent all there time eating burgers and fries.  Ugh!

If you will go ALL OUT for healing, God will answer.  Remember: Keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.   Soon and very soon Satan will be crushed under your feet.  With so much love, Jack